Set your net zero goal

Setting your net zero goals

Net zero means that the world needs to remove as much emissions as emitted or more

We accompany you in the definition of an ambitious but achievable target to offset your residual emissions and achieve net zero.

How to achieve net zero

To achieve net zero emissions, individuals and businesses must reduce greenhouse gas emissions and ensure to offset/remove any residual emission.


We accompany you in the transition to net zero emissions

Measure Footprint

Understanding carbon emissions
Analisying product impacts
Evaluating approach & solutions

Preferences & targets

Understanding of your climate ambitions
Advisory on how to best achieve your targets

Reduce footprint

Renewable energy consumption
Renewable gas consumption
Energy efficiency
Supply chain decarbonisation

Neutralise & compensate

Carbon offsets
Carbon removals

Contact Our Explorers

Marie Lene
Business Development Environmental Markets Solutions
Phone +41 44 508 74 94
Mobile +41 79 359 85 26